our story…

After ten years as design directors at some of Asia's most prestigious design studios, Carrie and Michelle started MOT as a passion project in 2017.

With more than 15 years of design experience in hospitality design, we hope to create a studio dedicated to providing creative and stylish design works. Our work is not limited to just interior design. We also have teams working on product innovation, art consultation and branding. Our studio is set up with a unique workflow that encourages innovation, creativity and team work so we can continuously explore a new design language. It is our passion for design that drives us to create a lifestyle oriented design team. From conceptualization through the construction of each project we get thoroughly involved in the customization of the space, furniture, art and accessories of the design to ensure it is tailored to each client.

In 2020, Carrie and Michelle decided to create a new platform called Living with MOT as not only a space to share their work but also a place for us to share our design experiences. Join us in learning more about design and let us learn from each other.